No to massive fossil fuel investment

Re: L-00000B-21-0393-00197

Dear Chairman Katz and members of the Arizona Power Plant and Line Siting Committee,

As a customer of SRP, I expect them to spend money from my electric bill payments wisely. SRP's rushed decision to spend nearly $1 billion of customer money on 16 new gas units without adequately exploring options to meet electricity needs or spend less money is not wise.

Further, SRP ratepayers and the local community deserve to know about and be protected from potential adverse impacts of their decision related to air quality and water quantity -- both in the short and long term. SRP has not provided this information, nor has it provided adequate information on estimated electric bill impacts.

Please deny SRP approval of the Certificate of Environmental Compatibility for the expansion of the Coolidge Generating Station. Please send SRP to the drawing board.
